Why Cleaning your heat exchanger will increase your heat exchanger performance ?

  • Degraded heat exchanger performance from fouling and blockages results in extra energy and operating costs to compensate for loss in the required temperature / production output.
  • The inside and outside of heat exchangers are target to contamination / fouling.
  • Correct maintenance of your heat exchangers is important for correct efficiently. 
  • The cost of cleaning a heat exchanger is much lower compared to the cost of lost production.


What methods should I use for cleaning your heat exchanger ?

Cleaning heat exchanger using high pressure water is the most common method of cleaning, followed by chemical cleaning methods and manual cleaning methods.

When cleaning your heat exchanger by using high pressure water we recommend using automatic robotic cleaning systems.

Robotic cleaning systems offers the highest level of safety during cleaning operations, they also deliver the highest quality of heat exchanger cleaning. 

Chemical cleaning is most commonly used for plate heat exchangers. At Ormonde we offer an ultrasonic chemical cleaning option.

Ultrasonic chemical cleaning is idealy suited to plate heat exchanger and tube heat exchangers where the tubes are closely spaced. 

Manual cleaning of heat exchanger using specialised hydro cleaning drills. At Ormonde we can offer hydro drill methods but recommend the using robotic water jetting or ultrasonic cleaning methods as they offer a higher level of results, which interns will reduce their running cost.


How do I remove a heat exchanger ?

In most cases you do not need to remove your heat exchanger because internal tube heat exchanger can be clean onsite.

 For external heat exchanger cleaning (bundle cleaning) you will need to remove your heat exchanger. At Ormonde we have a 45 ton heat exchanger extractor (bundle puller) which can remove heat exchanger of 10 meters and more if required. 

At Ormonde we can heat exchanger extractor (bundle puller) rental service or a complete bundle extraction services. 

At Ormonde we apply special methods that can even deal with hard-to-clean products to ensure you maxim results. We offer both high-pressure water jetting, low pressure water jetting, manual hydro drilling and ultrasonic chemical cleaning system. 

We believe manual cleaning using high pressure water is no longer an option and we offer automatic water jetting cleaning system for tube heat exchanger cleaning. Our heat exchanger / bundle cleaning system has the added advantage to cleaning each tube to a higher standard, ensuring a high quality of cleaning, faster cleaning and most importantly a safter cleaning method.   

For all you heat exchanger cleaning and heat exchanger extractor (bundle puller) needs, including tube heat exchanger cleaning, external bundle cleaning, plate heat exchanger cleaning in Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaria and neighboring countries in central and eastern Europe such as: Austria, Croatia, Estonia, Romina, Lithuania and Latvia.


Для всех ваших потребностей в очистке теплообменника и съемнике теплообменника (съемник пучка), включая очистку трубчатого теплообменника, очистку внешнего пучка, очистку пластинчатого теплообменника в Чешской Республике, Польше, Словакии, Украине, Венгрии, Болгарии и соседних странах в центральной и Восточная Европа, такая как: Австрия, Хорватия, Эстония, Ромина, Литва и Латвия.

Za sve potrebe čišćenja izmjenjivača topline i izvlačenja izmjenjivača topline (izvlakač snopa), uključujući čišćenje izmjenjivača cijevi, vanjsko čišćenje snopa, čišćenje izmjenjivača ploče u Češkoj, Poljskoj, Slovačkoj, Ukrajini, Mađarskoj, Bugarskoj i susjednim zemljama u središnjoj i istočnoj Europa kao što su: Austrija, Hrvatska, Estonija, Romina, Litva i Latvija.

За всички, които имате нужда от почистване на топлообменника и екстрактор на топлообменник (изтеглящ пакет), включително почистване на тръбен топлообменник, почистване на външен пакет, почистване на топлообменник в Чехия, Полша, Словакия, Украйна, Унгария, България и съседните страни в централната и източната Европа като: Австрия, Хърватия, Естония, Ромина, Литва и Латвия.

A hőcserélő tisztításához és a hőcserélő elszívásához (köteghúzó) minden igényt kielégít, beleértve a csőhőcserélő tisztítását, a külső csomagtisztítást, a lemezes hőcserélő tisztítását Csehországban, Lengyelországban, Szlovákiában, Ukrajnában, Magyarországon, Bulgáriában és a szomszédos országokban Közép- és Keleten. Európa, például Ausztria, Horvátország, Észtország, Romina, Litvánia és Lettország.

Pentru toate nevoile dvs. de curățare a schimbătorului de căldură și de extragere a schimbătoruluide căldură (extragere de fascicule), inclusiv curățarea schimbătorului de căldură a tuburilor, curățareafasciculului extern, curățarea schimbătorului de căldură de plăci în Republica Cehă, Polonia, Slovacia, Ucraina, Ungaria, Bulgaria și țările vecine din centrul și estul Europa precum: Austria, Croația, Estonia, Romina, Lituania și Letonia.